Fun educational games

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Nelson Cathedral - 'Nelson's Treasure'

Room 14 went for a special trip to the Nelson Cathedral this morning!
We went as part of our 'Environment' Unit so we could explore a different environment in the Nelson area.
We heard the Pipe organ being played, and we even got to tip toe up to the Bell tower and ring the bells for all of Nelson to hear! The stained glass windows are amazing!
Check out our cool photos.
We think every class should go to visit the Nelson Cathedral. It is a very special place!

The Pipe Organ. Did you know it has over 2000 pipes inside?

The winding staircase that leads to the Pipe Organ

The long walk down the aisle!

The 'Rose Window' The pictures tell a story!

Alan taught us about the Pipe Organ

James wearing the robe that James Carruthers wears for choir

Wearing a traditional choir robes and necklaces

Beautiful stained glass windows

Morning tea in the Cathedral

We rung the bells by pulling on ropes

Can you see the bells in the tower?

Here we are on the church steps

The amazing entrance to the Cathedral

Monday, May 16, 2011


Pop up Scary sandwich stories!
Room 14 has made their own pop up books based on the story.... 'The sensational Samburger' By: David Pelham.
In David Pelhams story, 2 children discover that their Hamburger keeps getting stolen so they decide to teach the thief a lesson! They set to work and find some interesting fillings to pay back their burger thief.
Shampoo for mayonnaise!, Snails, worms, maggots to name a few!
We put all sorts of nasties into our sandwiches! We made our stories more interesting and scary by using interesting words to describe our sandwich surprises!
We had an official book launch in the library and our books are now on display for others to read.
We had a last making these books!
Check out out photos! AND keep an eye out in the Nelson Evening Mail!
There is a small chance we might become famous!
Fingers crossed!
Thank you to Tim Cuff for taking these pics and sending them to the paper!!
Our amazing books! What clever authors we are!

Monday, May 2, 2011


In Room 14 we have kick started our brains learning about 'Healthy' brain foods.
We have started having nutritious, healthy brain food snacks during class times to enhance our concentration, energy levels and brain function! Very important for TOP LEARNING!

BRAIN JUICE:  WATER WATER WATER is the best thing our bodies can have!
We make sure we drink water during our Brain Food Breaks too so we keep hydrated.

We have been very busy making posters to help teach you about 'Healthy' Brain Food options.

DID YOU KNOW? foods that have lots of sugar in them, make us feel good for a while! but then as we burn it off, we get tired again very quickly!
Check out out healthy snack options we choose to eat!

Quarter of an apple
Half a banana
Un- flavoured pop corn
Celery sticks with cottage cheese or cream cheese!
Christopher makes what he calls ' Ants on a log!' Celery stick with cream cheese in the middle. Raisins along the top! Its healthy, tasty and looks just like Ants on a log! very creative!
Carrot sticks
Quarter of a marmite/vegemite/cheese sandwich
We tried Brain Food today and WE FELT GREAT!

Let us know if you can think of any creative, healthy options for Brain Food Snacks!

Jess chose a quarter of a salami & cheese sandwich

Christophers famous...'Ants on a log'
Celery, Cream cheese and raisins! Deeeeelicious!

Marmite sandwiches pre cut into quarters!

quarter of an apple

Charlotte cose delicious grapes!

Slices of cucumber and carrots! yum!