Fun educational games

Sunday, April 10, 2011


The junior syndicate have been learning about local sea birds.
We had Pam McConnell come to talk to us about one very special bird called the 'GODWIT'
We think this bird is quite amazing! we learnt alot of interesting facts about this bird.
DID YOU KNOW that the Godwit takes a long journey from Nelson all the way to ALASKA?
It stops off at the yellow seas on the way for a rest, then carries on.
They flap their wings the whole way and don;t stop to sleep or feed for 7 days!!!
They even fly right through the night!!
We pretended to be Godwits and ran once around the field flapping our arms! that was hard work!
Imagine doing that non stop for 7 days!!!!
Read some of the interesting facts we learnt about the Godwits!


  1. Great work this term Room 14 and Deb! Great pic's and exciting experiences. Thanks for sharing your learning with us. Do you have a picture of a Godwit?

  2. They are truly amazing birds. No wonder we have them on our visions poster. Good job running around the field pretending to be godwits. I bet you got a real idea of what a feat they go through. Did you know that they feed on molluscs, crabs, marine worms and aquatic insects, probing the mud with their long bills as the tide recedes. No wonder they like coming to our Haven.

  3. They stand on one leg when they sleep. They fly along way. They don't get their bottoms wet. They leave their mother when they are two years old.

    by Cate and Breanna

  4. Isn't it amazing what those tiny birds can achieve - just like you guys in room 14, achieving amazing things. I love your comments Cate and Breanna!

  5. Ps, the comment above was from Jazzy's mum :)

  6. Freya's Auntie AliApril 17, 2011 at 1:24 AM

    No wonder you love your new school Freya! I can see you're learning so many interesting things, and having such fun in the process!
